Attend a 6 Figure Real Estate Coaching Workshop

Do you KNOW that you possess the talent and the skills to be at the top of your game, but just can’t seem to get there?

If you’re truly committed to making a difference in your real estate business, our 6 Figure Real Estate Workshops might be perfect for you. Learn how proven systems and techniques can create more income and a better life; an actual real estate life.

Our information-packed 4-hour workshops feature 3 instructors covering topics such as:

Genny Williams
Reveals the MOST important thing to focus on to achieve a 6 figure income.
Provides a detailed 6 figure schedule with hour by hour "To Do's."
Shows how to use an excellent and EASY daily accountability tool.
Gives detailed low budget marketing and lead generation ideas with high impact.

Kimberly Bibb
Reminds agents of the BASICS of being a good sales person.
Explains how to read people well and speak their language.
Prevents agents from deal killers.
Details how to ask for the sale and close more deals.

Mitchell Miller
Encourages agents to use technology and online tools that fit their personal style.
Instructs agents how to use free videos the right way to earn more business.
Saves agents money by helping to choose the right technology.

To view upcoming events, click here for Upcoming Events 
For a personal coaching consultation, email